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  • Writer's pictureJ Prateek Kundu

New Feed Style Development in Process: Instagram

Instagram is now testing internally same functionality as Tiktok for their stories
Instagram is now testing internally same functionality as Tiktok for their stories

If we remember about the Hashtags which has been used against TikTok, like #tiktokbanned #bantiktok etc, still we have to admit that it has created amazing impact on Social Media Landscape.

Though we have seen several platforms which want to develop the same style which is already made by TikTok, as they want to tap into the rising market popularity of this mobile application.

Due to which Instagram is now testing internally same functionality for their stories.

As you can see in this tweet from app research Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram is working on a new vertical Stories feed, which would mean that you swipe up or down to view newer/older Stories.

It’s the same UI as TikTok and with more and more users becoming accustomed to the TikTok feed, that probably makes sense

But again, the impact of TikTok on social product development is pretty amazing, which is considered by huge number of Social Media Players all over the world.

But Stories in itself is pretty popular, right? Instagram Stories is still being used by million’s of people every day all over the world, do they really need latest trend when usage levels are already so strong?

Their main focus is on growth, according to estimates Tiktok is on track from 500 million to 1.2 billion users in the time-span of 2018 to 2021, after losing 200 million users last year when government of India banned this Chinese mobile application due to geopolitical disputes.

In spite of some setbacks, is actually amazing, which is why so many other platforms are trying to latch onto the same usage trends, and keep users from migrating away.

Therefore it’s pretty clear why they're so eager and working on to incorporate similar features. If that's what people want, well it’s makes sense for the social platforms to at least try similar updates and changes.

Instagram has confirmed to TechCrunch that the vertical Stories feed is currently an internal prototype, which is not being publicly tested as yet.

Well the Tiktok strategy and algorithm have already occupied social application developers and it will be surprise how this update on Instagram will take place.

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