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  • Writer's pictureJ Prateek Kundu

Popular Programming Languages used by the world’s Largest Start-ups

Its 21st Century and we all know software development is the backbone for any business or start-ups. That time has long gone when our customers or buyers use to come to our shop to purchase any product or services, now if anyone wants to buy anything from niddle to phone it's purchased online.

That why it’s useful and worth to have a look at the most popular programming languages, databases, and frameworks used by the largest start-ups to build their online presence and services.

Coding Dojo based in Bellevue, Washington analysed data from, CB Insights, PitchBook, and Stackshare to come up with the most popular tools used by companies like Uber, Airbnb etc.

Python which is the top programming language created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991. Basically used for web development (server-side), software development, mathematics, system scripting. As per Coding Dojo report. “These days, we see Python being used a lot for Data Science, which is revolutionizing the tech industry. So it makes sense that Python is being used more and more.

Here’s a look at their report:

Top Programming Languages:

  1. Python

  2. Java

  3. Javascript

  4. C/C++

  5. Ruby

  6. Go

  7. Kotlin

  8. PHP

  9. Objective C

  10. Swift

  11. C#

  12. Typescript

  13. Rust

  14. R

  15. Perl

  16. Scala

Most used Framework Technologies:

  1. ReactJS

  2. Hadoop

  3. NodeJS

  4. Django

  5. Flask

  6. AngularJS

Most used Database Technologies:

  1. MySQL

  2. Redis

  3. Postgre SQL

  4. MongoDB

  5. Cassandra

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